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With over 20 years in the business we have established a number of relationships across a number of manufacturing disciplines. When we send out an RFQ, we draw from these relationships . This allows us to ensure quality and commitment from known and trusted supply chains. 
Managing an RFQ takes time and
knowledge of the manufacturing 
process. It also takes the ability to 
answer questions from the 
manufacturer that may or may not
impact the product. Materials, 
finishes and processes all need
to be understood and the design 
intent needs to be clear. My 
management ensures each supplier understands the job. 
As the team that has overseen 
the development process through 
design intent and engineering, we 
offer another layer through the 
request for quote, we approach the
manufacturing on your behalf. By
drawing from knowledge of design, engineering and manufacturing, we fight for the most fair price and hold every manufacturer accountable throughout the process. 
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